宠爱王國(guó)CKU犬事业中心 秘书長(cháng)
2002 年开始饲养罗威纳犬,2003 年成立世嘉犬业,拥有(yǒu)丰富的饲养及繁殖罗威纳经验,引进、繁殖的犬只多(duō)次在國(guó)内大型赛事上获奖。
2008 年11 月CKURK罗威纳犬成立,领导并组织CKURK赛事100余场,拥有(yǒu)丰富的赛事组织经验。
2012 年宠爱王國(guó)犬事业中心(CKU)首届世界犬业联盟(FCI)全犬种审查员培训考试时通过罗威纳单犬种培训考核。
2014 年获得世界犬业联盟(FCI)认证的罗威纳犬单犬种审查员资格。
2014 年至今多(duō)次在國(guó)内赛场担任审查员参与执裁工作。
2018 年担任意大利本部展主裁判。
President of China Kennel Union Rottweiler Club(CKURK)
Mr. Zhao has been raising rottweilers since 2002 and founded his Kennel in 2003. He has abundant exposure to raising and breeding Rottweilers and many of the dogs that he had
introduced or bred became prize winners in large-scale domestic shows.
Upon the establishment of China Kennel Union Rottweiler Club (CKURK) in November 2008, Mr. Zhao took the position of president and was in charge of leading CKURK and launching relevant shows. Mr. Zhao is also highly experienced in show's organization.
Attend the first CKU's FCI judge's training and pass the examination of Rottweiler Specialist Judge in 2012.
Become a Rottweiler Specialist Judge since 2014.
Judging in China for more than 20 times.